Tagged: 1992


Built for the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, the ‘Estadi Olímpic de Montjuïc’ (Olympic Stadium to you and I) stands alone atop a vast hill in Catalonia. What is strange though, is its relatively confined proportions compared to the cavernous olympic stadia of London 2012 and China 2008. Not only is it significantly smaller  (56,000 capacity vs. 80,000 for the London Olympic Stadium in Stratford), it is also tragically run down. Visiting after the national elation of London 2012, the promise of an ‘Olympic Legacy’ couldn’t have seemed any hollower after seeing the desolate and eerie absence that runs through this place.

I thought this shot captured the contrast between a once-vibrant ring of colourful emotion, and a place suffering the encroaching decay of being forgotten (represented by those ominous clouds above). If I were to have had the tripod and the ultra-wide angle (or fisheye) lens with me, a better shot would have invariably come about, but this will tick the box 🙂

Shot on a Canon EOS 5D mk3, 24-105mm lens at 24mm, f 22.0, ISO 100, 1/15 sec.