Tagged: architect


There is nothing so inspirational or stylish as Bauhaus design given space to demonstrate is ruthlessly minimal functionalism. On a recent trip to Barcelona, I made straight for Mies van der Rohe’s 1929 ‘Barcelona Pavillion‘, a seminal piece of architectural wizardry that even today, seems avant-garde. In it’s time, it was beyond its time, and I find the clearcut geometry, the travertine limestone, the marbled granite panelling, and of course those epic chairs, to be truly awesome subjects for the odd snap! In the above shot, I love the luxurious contrast of the rich foliage and the white floating roof.

Best efforts below (click here for more)!

Shot on a Canon EOS 5D mk3, 70-200mm lens at 70mm, f 5.0, ISO 100, 1/100 sec.

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