Tagged: bond


Back at the start of August, I was taken to Stoke Park (famous for its role in the classic Bond film ‘Goldfinger’) for a cheeky round of golf. It had been raining solidly for 3 days beforehand, and even up to that very morning, it was apparently still monsoon season in Buckinghamshire. It promised little, other than me embarrassingly hacking-up a classic piece of british heritage. Indeed on arrival, it was still pretty hairy – BUT by the time we’d eaten breakfast (at the exceptional Orangery), it had become a very seasonal ‘August in Britain’! Perfect for some snaps, so I broke out the camera.

I took the main shot of this rank of ‘Club Cars’ as we walked towards the tee box on the 1st. It is my favourite shot of the day, as despite evidence of recent rain littering the picture, it just makes me want to walk into one of those inviting buggies and tear around the course! However, because their iconic club house was wearing scaffolding – some sort of alleged ‘renovation’ – I took the below additional shot in aggressive +/-3EV HDR format, to vent my frustration at the not-quite-picture-perfect nature of the building 🙂

The main image above was shot on a Canon EOS 5D mk 3, 24-105mm lens at 24mm, f 8.0, ISO 100, 1/160 sec.

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