Tagged: child


I entered this shot into a competition today not because it redefines photography as you know it, but because I just wanted to share it with someone, anyone! It’s my niece, sub 1-year-old, just staring at the great big world, incomprehensibly. In that moment, I snapped her wearing the utter puzzlement that I so often feel! She is just so confounded! Whowhatwhere ?!?!? THAT is me at 5:02 every morning :-D, and I LOVE that she gets it too!

Oh and she also looks really innocent, and adorable and blah blah etc.

Shot on a Canon EOS 5D mk 2, 24-105mm lens at 105mm, f 5.6, ISO 6400, 1/125 sec.




It’s cold, crisp and fresh in London, exactly 6 months to-the-day since I took this capture of my favourite (and only) nephew. The little guy was so bored waiting for mummy & his little sis to stop faffing around in the park, that he put on his best ‘Ralph Lauren’ blue-steel pose for the occasion. I let the f 4.0 lens soften the rails behind him, and the bright cars off to the side were the perfect reflector disc for a nice, diffuse light! I think this one will sell ALOT of polo shirts to 4 year olds !! 😀

Shot on a Canon EOS 5D Mk II, 24-105mm lens at 105mm, f 6.3, ISO 400, 1/250 sec.