Tagged: cumulonimbus


Today, it wasn’t like this. Tomorrow, it won’t be like this. Tomorrow, it will be Siberian, more like this if I am to believe the BBC. To escape London’s attempt at the Tundra, I thought I would cast my mind back to the rooftop of the Hotel Arts in Barcelona, in October of 2012, when I took this shot. Warm morning air was radiating off the sea, rising into the atmosphere, creating those unique and cavernously dramatic cumulonimbus formations, with violent flourishes here and there! The beauty, for me, is the contrast between the tranquility of the illuminated horizon and the menacing profile view of those ocean rains, with the chaotic storm elegantly unfolding into the atmosphere – whilst all the while, a passenger jet wafts majestically above the crest. Please note, I have not altered the colours – on that morning in Barcelona, the clouds really were orange and blue! What a warming escape from the blizzard!!!

Shot on a Canon EOS 5D mk3, 24-105mm lens at 102mm (whoops), f 4.0, ISO 100, 1/3200 sec.