Tagged: mountain


In the Alpine mountains, when the sun’s shining in Spring time, there’s nothing better than finding a dramatic glacial gorge to set a portrait against. The sumptuous f7.1 bokeh of the 200mm L-series lens gives just enough detail to make out the imposing contours, but not too much that it distracts from the sharply contrasting foreground of the skier. Also I felt like some negative space would work well on the left 2/3 of the shot to liven things up a bit – why not?! Great fun to shoot (though a real pain to get the camera and lenses up there!!!)

Shot on a Canon EOS 5D mk3, 70-200mm lens at 200mm, f 7.1, ISO 100, 1/500 sec


I shot this whilst returning from a very recent ski expedition to the wonderful Val D’Isere, in the Savoie region of the French Alps. Aside from epic skiing, with practically nobody on the slopes, I was treated to this utterly silent and eerie mountain scene. Mystical descending fog mixed with freshly-dusted snowy Conifers made for a wonderfully textured canopy of trees. There was also a band of darkness towards the lower third of the shot, caused by the sharp fall-away in the relief of the land, which beautifully balanced the fog in the upper third. I absolutely love the alpine air, come sun OR snow, and I think this shot captures the magical solitude of the environment quite nicely indeed!

Shot on a Canon EOS 5D mk 2, 24-105mm lens at 50mm, f 10.0, ISO 200, 1/125 sec.