Tagged: sexy


Took this early-morning shot out of my hotel window, looking back over towards the Swedish Royal Palace, surveying the Port area before the ferries took off for the day. If you’re wondering why there’s no sign of life, I shot this as a long-exposure HDR capture, +/-3EV, with an ND8 filter helping me block out some of the bright Swedish snow-reflection! Temperature was about -5c here, but the wind chill was far lower. Inspiring landscape, can’t wait to go back!

Shot on a Canon EOS 5D mk 3, 17-40mm ultra-wide angle lens at 22mm, f 22, ISO 100, 6.0 sec, HDR +/-3EV.


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Heading out to Stockholm on Friday – this is VERY exciting. Took this shot of the ‘old town’ there last summer, and massively looking forward to seeing what it looks like under 3 feet of snow (might play havoc with exposure settings)! Will be a huge novelty to see how public transport can still WORK with the right type / wrong type / ANY type of snow! Boris, please take note 🙂

Shot on a Canon EOS 5D mk 2, 24-105mm lens at 24mm, f 11.0, ISO 400, 1/250 sec.


This has been a gorgeous crisp day in sunny London – perfect opportunity to test-drive my new ‘superleggera’ 70-200mm f4.0 L-series USM. So, went for a wander with ‘the muse’, drank tea, people watched, and took some snaps. Here are the ‘results’.

All shot on a Canon EOS 5D mk3, 70-200mm lens at various focal lengths, various apertures (usually f 4.0 to maximise bokeh), and various ISOs. Specific stuff!



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